Authenticity – Be Your Gift to the World

Confident about embracing my shadow side and becoming a warrior!

It’s not news that we’re living in a time when it’s so easy to connect with others. Within mere seconds, we can communicate with friends, family, and strangers from all over the world. Yet, how many of us actually still feel disconnected from the world and why?

I often think it’s because we’re afraid to be our authentic selves. It’s so much easier for us to hide behind our computer screens and share only those things that we believe people may find acceptable. It’s easier for us to put on a mask and present only the joyous aspects our lives, to put on a show. Sure, it’s great to spread positivity, and it’s something that I tend to do myself, but we all have a shadow side. We all have insecurities or fears of some type. We all have struggles that we try our damnedest to work through.

Why is it then that it’s so challenging for us to be completely truthful, to show the world all aspects of our ourselves? Is it the fear of judgement? Is it the fear of losing certain people in our circle? Is it because it seems too painful to think about, much less talk about, our scars, our “failures”, our fears, and the topics that scare the living shit out of us? Our authentic self is part of the human condition. There is no need to feel shame, self-loathing, or fear. Everything that we’ve experienced or felt are the things that connect us. To deny any part of them is to dishonor who you are, and in case nobody’s told you, you are amazingly beautiful!

What if you decided for one day to truly honor yourself, to let go of any false image you present, and just be yourself? What if you showed up to the world and professed all of the grand things about your soul, along with your insecurities, fears, and struggles? Honestly, what’s the worst thing that could happen? The world isn’t going to end, I can tell you that much. What will happen is that you’ll connect with people like never before. When you’re vulnerable and shed your skin, others feel a sense of relief that they aren’t in this alone, that others know exactly what they’re thinking, feeling, and experiencing. The greatest gift you can give to others is your true self, your truth, the essence of your soul. That’s how we find healing, through the strength in others.

Here are some of my authentic shadow sides. Do any of these resonate with you?

  • Rarely felt like I fit in when I was younger and that still exists today
  • Suffered from depression
  • Attempted suicide a couple of times and thought about it more
  • Never felt loved by my biological father
  • I had no self-worth for much of my life
  • Felt like I wasn’t deserving of what I dreamed about
  • Have used alcohol and drugs to hide from myself
  • Have stood in the mirror and hated my appearance
  • Have been fired from jobs
  • Have lived paycheck to paycheck and been absolutely terrified about being homeless
  • Chose to bury myself in work because of my fear of not having money and so I could avoid dealing with my emotions
  • Have been harsh towards people who hurt me
  • Have been envious of others who seemed to have their life figured out
  • Have felt judged because of diabetes
  • Have felt unlovable

Here are some of the amazing parts of my authentic side that I’ve embraced. Do any of these resonate with you?

  • I have a big heart
  • I love deeply
  • I have a gift for connecting with others
  • I’ve always been drawn towards helping people
  • I enjoy seeing people grow
  • I’m intelligent and driven
  • I’m a big dreamer
  • I embrace life
  • I’ve been able to accomplish a lot personally and professionally
  • I love myself
  • I enjoy challenging myself
  • I find joy in the simple things like sunrises, sunsets, and the stars
  • I try to see the good in everyone
  • My strength is my ability to share my feelings with an open heart
  • I know what my purpose is
  • More than anything, I know I am a fucking warrior

So just for today, let your authentic-self shine. Take a deep breath, let go of all of your worries, and unleash your bad-ass, beautiful soul into the world! Share yourself so others can find a way to work through their struggles and begin to heal. Be your gift to the world.