Pain, Our Greatest Teacher

“These pains you feel are messengers. Listen to them”. A truly profound quote from Rumi, a 13th century mystic and poet.

All too often we have the tendency to run from our pain. If it’s pain because of a loved one dying or because of the loss of great love due to divorce, rejection, or other action, pain is one of our emotions that can be the most paralyzing.

Physically, pain fills our bodies like a deadly toxin, taking control of every fiber of our being. It latches onto us like the daggered fangs of a venomous snake and injects itself, hoping to render us useless. That is, if we allow it.

Pain is an emotion that heightens our senses and makes us feel both that we’re alive and dying at the same time. Pain isn’t something tangible that our mothers can kiss to make go away. Instead, it’s something that must be fully experienced. Pain is the feeling we have when we hear a love song that shatters our hearts into a thousand pieces.

 It’s no wonder then that we want to run from our pain. When viewed from a certain perspective though, pain can be our greatest teacher, our best friend who always tells us what we need to hear. Pain provides us with our most incredible opportunities for growth. It forces us to go deep inside ourselves and tap into an awareness that usually remains dormant. It forces us to face ourselves and to seek answers from within. By connecting with our pain, we can begin our healing. We can find our inner strength and courage. It is in these moments of pain that we discover life’s greatest lessons. Pain is both a necessary evil and a beautiful gift.

Stop running from your pain. Learn to sit with it and to be grateful for it, and it will show you everything you need to know to Begin Living Differently and Better.