Why Living Differently and Better

Living Differently and Better

Photo by Steve Halama on Unsplash

For some of you who know me, you might already know why I’m starting this blog and my podcast. For many others, I haven’t shared it until now. I usually wait until things seem to be in perfect order, but I’m changing and going completely against that. I’m throwing caution to the wind and jumping in from this point forward. No more “perfect plan”. Whatever comes out and happens, happens. I’m letting go of my fears about judgment and just going for it.

Alrighty, so why on earth am I doing this? What will be shared? What’s the point of all of this?

Have you ever felt as if things weren’t aligned in your heart and soul? Like you were just going through the motions of life but not truly living? Have you ever had a deep burning in your soul as if you weren’t on your true path in life, that you weren’t living a happy life, that you wanted or needed something different?

Well, that’s what I’ve been struggling with for years. For most of my adult life I chose to stay in a profession that was very toxic for me, one that part of me loved but the other part of me experienced so much pain and discomfort. I always had this unsettling urge to do something different, but at the same time I was comfortable with the pain and discomfort. It’s what I thought I deserved and it’s what I knew – until now.

It took me practically falling to my knees out of despair to realize everything in life could be so much different and better. It was all up to me to make the change, and it wasn’t going to be easy. Hell, even typing this isn’t easy – baring my deepest and darkest thoughts about myself, baring my soul, and sharing my pain. One thing that I’ve learned though is that I had to come to grips with my truth. I had to experience all of my pain and discomfort before I could appreciate all of the greatness and beauty there is in the world and within myself.

I can’t possibly share everything in one blog or podcast, but as time unravels, I’ll share more of what I’ve experienced and come to understand. My hope is that some of what I share will hit home for other people and give them a bit of inspiration to know things can be different and better, if it’s in your personal life, professional life, or spiritual life. I won’t ever claim to have the answers, but I will be very open and honest about what has been true for me personally. What I have learned. What I have come to understand.

If you are struggling with letting go of fears, following your heart, or living to your full potential, I hope that you can find some encouragement and strength in what I share and in what other people share about our lives. There is so much incredible beauty and love in this world, and even though life isn’t meant to be perfect, we can all live a richer, fuller life if we just open our eyes and hearts more.

Until next time, I hope you all find a way to begin LIVING DIFFERENTLY AND BETTER.