Approaching Life with Gratitude

Gratitude, a feeling of appreciation, is a cornerstone of many spiritual practices and religions. Studies have shown that incorporating gratitude into one’s daily practice has numerous psychological and physical benefits, which I’ll discuss in another post.

With our hectic lifestyles, sometimes seemingly disconnect from others, and the tragedies or injustices that occur almost daily, I know it can be challenging to find things for which we can be grateful. So, where do we start? Let’s explore some simple techniques.

  • Gratitude journaling – Each day, write down three to five things for which you’re grateful. The list can include anything from the food you have to opportunities thrown your way. There are no restrictions or limitations. Simply commit to doing this daily and aim for at least 30 days. Bonus tip – go back and read your entries on a regular basis.
  • Start upon waking – As soon as you wake up and before you get out of bed, say aloud what you’re grateful for. This is a great way to start your day with a positive mindset.
  • Search for the “simple” things – We often take so many things for granted like having access to water, having a vehicle, having a job, etc… Gratitude doesn’t always have to be expressed for the grand things in life. We all have an endless list of things we can be grateful for; we just have to take a moment to recognize them.
  • Thank a friend, family member, or stranger – This is a beautiful gift for others and ourselves. Thank them for who they are, for their kindness, for their smile, for their beauty, for their generosity, etc… The more we do this, the stronger connections we build and the more blessings we receive in life.
  • Search for lessons in your challenges – Admittedly, this one isn’t always easy, but every challenge we face is an opportunity to learn more about ourselves and to grow.
  • End the day on a positive – Before you go to sleep, say aloud the things that happened through the day for which you’re grateful.

Here are the things for which I’m grateful for today:

  • Waking up – It’s no secret to those of us in the Type 1 Diabetic community that some of us pass away in our sleep from hypoglycemic episodes. Each day I wake up is truly a precious gift. I absolutely love life, all of the up’s and down’s and am excited to experience more of them. I’m not afraid of death anymore, but I want to be here a lot longer.
  • Diabetes – Being diagnosed just a couple of years ago was the biggest challenge that the universe has thrown me, but I’ve developed more strength and courage than I ever knew was possible. Yep, it sucks sometimes and I wish I could go back to my life before the diagnosis, but I can’t. In the meantime, I’m thankful that I’ve learned so much about myself and life.
  • My friends and family – I am truly blessed by all of the people in my life. I am amazed by all of the incredible people that keep coming into my circle.
  • Nature – This is where I really connect with my soul and the universe. If I’m hiking in the woods or even driving down the road, I can become so overwhelmed by the beauty of it all that I start crying. The connection is too deep to even put into words.
  • Lessons I’ve learned – When I open my eyes to what the universe is giving me and sit with my emotions, particularly the painful ones, I discover there is always a lesson for me to learn, one that makes me a better person.
  • Inner peace and happiness – For most of my life I struggled with being unhappy and feeling lost and depressed. Those feelings still arise sometimes, but my life is now filled with more joy and peace than ever before. I love myself and I love life.

What things are you grateful for today? How do you practice gratitude?

Until next time, I hope you all find a way to begin Living Differently and Better!