Light Up Your Soul

This past weekend, I had the honor of attending my first Abraham Hicks workshop. It was something I had been looking forward to for a while and knew it would be an amazing experience. For those who don’t know who Abraham Hicks is, you can read up on both Esther and Abraham here:

The energy in the room was intensely beautiful. The words that were spoken were so moving and loving. From a perspective of spirituality, awareness, joy, love, whatever one chooses to call it, it was exactly what I needed at that moment.

The main message that Abraham had is that life is supposed to fun and full of joy. I realize that’s much easier said than done sometimes, but it is something that can be accomplished. It just takes having an awareness of who you are and understanding and knowing your purpose in life.

So, how does one get there? How do you get to the point where you know your purpose in life or how do you even begin to have an awareness? I believe it all starts with quieting the mind through meditation and breath work. I also believe that it involves being present in the moment, not dwelling on things in the past or worrying about the future, but being present NOW. It’s also about being grateful or happy about where one is right now, understanding that we are exactly where we are supposed to be in this very moment. When we take on this perspective, the universe opens up for us and life becomes fun.

As I’ve thought about my experience over the past few days, I’ve had some pretty strong realizations about where I’m at in regards to my life’s purpose. I’ve shared bits and pieces with some family and friends but have also held quite a bit back. There’s so much to write about that I’m just going to take it a step at a time.

A little over a year ago, when I had my existential crisis, I asked for help and guidance from a Higher Power. Through that, it became very clear that my purpose was to help heal others with either my hands or words. Yeah, I get that sounds a little crazy, but trust me when I say, it’s a knowing I’ve had for many, many years. When I asked for the guidance, it was confirmed and continues to be almost daily. Since then, I’ve focused a lot on my spiritual growth and have seen, felt, and experienced some incredible things. I know in my heart and soul that I am on the right path.

The problem is that something had been keeping me from really stepping into this new life. Sure, I know some of it was fear. I also believe that some of it had to do with having a feeling that I needed to do more work on myself before I could move forward with trying to help others. After all, I still had “issues”, so who was I to talk to others about the beautiful possibilities in life? Well, I’ve started to experience more of a shift, which is why I felt the need to write today.

For some time, I’ve been focused on my future and not my present. What kind of work do I actually want to do? What if I can’t support myself? What if I fail? What if I actually accomplished my goals? What if, what if, what if. All sorts of doubts, fears, and comparisons kept creeping into my mind and kept holding me back.

That started to shift for me just recently. There had been quite a bit of turmoil in my life the past few years, even up to very recently. Just when I felt I’d been given more than enough to process, I had yet another major change occur, as my husband and I decided to divorce.

In some ways, the situation has been extremely painful. We are both losing our best friend of 13 years and grieving a deep loss. Going through our belongings has brought up a lot of memories that cut right to the heart. Sure, I’ve cried a lot. I’ve gotten angry, sad, and mad. I’ve felt heartbroken and lost. I’ve asked myself multiple times, “what if”. From our talks, I know he’s felt much the same way.

In this moment, my way of healing through this is to take on a different perspective. That perspective is to come from a place of love and gratitude, to accept and not resist, to let go and let things be as they are.

There’s a quote I keep seeing that says something along the lines of, “Don’t ask why these things are happening to you. Ask why they’re happening for you”. All of the things I’ve experienced the past few years haven’t happened to me; they’ve most certainly happened for me. I’m not a victim. I’m not a survivor either because that would imply something happened to me, not for me.

What I am is a soul who is connecting with her purpose. I am a soul who is now connecting with the universe, Higher Power, God, whatever one wants to call it and discovering that life is absolutely beautiful and amazing and can be anything I want it to be. Life is meant to be joyous, fun, and rewarding. To get there, though, we have to have an inner peace and happiness. In order to have that, we need to practice awareness.

What I’ve come to realize through this current chapter in my life is that my purpose isn’t to help heal others with my hands or words. My purpose is to live by example and to show others how they can help heal themselves. I can do this by living from a place of love, forgiveness, and compassion for myself and others. Most importantly, I can do this by honoring myself and who I truly am, by not giving into the fear of the negative stories I tell myself. I can do this by living authentically, by sharing my thoughts, feelings, and perspective. By living this way, I can connect with others who are discovering how to live their life with purpose and how to find joy within themselves.

See, nobody is here for the sole purpose of helping others. We are here to experience life, to find joy, to be true to ourselves, to connect with our souls. In doing those things, we often end up helping others, but that’s not our main responsibility. It’s an outcome of living from a place of high vibration, from a place of love.

I’m still going to pursue what lights me up. I have a strong knowing and desire to continue writing and sharing, to do energy work, to have conversations with others about our experiences in life, and so much more. I’m going to be true to my soul, to enjoy things in every moment in life, to have fun, and to continue experiencing what the universe lays out in front of me. I’m going to light up my own soul with joy and laughter, with peace and gratitude.

To all of you struggling with the negative thoughts running around in your head, please don’t believe them. Don’t think for a second that you aren’t worthy of the life you dream of. Instead, take the time to connect with your inner self, with your soul, and know that you are amazing, strong, courageous, beautiful, and inspiring. Know that you have a gift to share with the world, a gift that is uniquely yours. Know that you can uplift and inspire others simply by embracing who you are and living your purpose. Know that you are pure, beautiful, love. Get out there and have fun. Do things that make you smile and laugh. Do things that energize you and connect you with who you truly are!

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