
As we’re approaching the end of 2018, many people will spend time reflecting on what this year has meant for us. We’ll look back at our jobs, our accomplishments, our family and friends, our experiences, our health, and maybe even our finances. 

During these moments of reflection, some of us may question how we compare to where we were this time last year. Others may question how their lives compare to their friends or neighbors. Some may even question what their purpose is and why they are here. I fall into the latter group.

2018 has been a year of self-discovery and growth for me. While I set out early to accomplish two particular things, my exploration took me on a path I never imagined, but one that my soul needed.

For many years, I didn’t have religion or faith to guide me.  I lived my life holding on to the pain from my past, believing that things would always be a certain way for me. I believed I wasn’t worthy of love or support. I believed my thoughts, feelings, and words didn’t matter.  I believed that I was an insignificant blip in this thing called life. That all change this past year.

People say that a shift in consciousness occurs at a time of great loss. It could be a loss of a loved one, a loss of a job that we attach our identities to, loss of health, loss of a home, the list goes on and on. When we experience certain losses or attachments to our ego, our perspective changes and gives rise to an awareness of something greater than ourselves. This has been precisely what I’ve experienced this year.

After feeling broken and completely empty and having no other place to turn to fix things in my life, I took a leap of faith and turned to a Higher Power for help. Let me just say first that this is never something I would have done before. For most of my life, I didn’t believe in any Higher Power or God. If I couldn’t see it with my own eyes or if it couldn’t be proven with facts, it didn’t exist. I can also vividly recall a moment when I questioned the existence of God completely. It was one of those, “How could God allow this to happen” moments. That way of thinking ceased to exist this year.

As soon as I turned my life over to a Higher Power, miraculous things began happening in my life. As soon as I had faith in something greater than myself, a shift began to occur. So, what did I experience? The list is actually long, but I’ll stick to the things that stand out the most for me. 

  • Receiving a sign – At the very beginning of my shift and still feeling a bit uncertain, I asked for a very specific sign, for proof that something else existed. This was on a Friday and I asked to see it by Sunday night. I spent the first two days constantly scanning my environment. By Sunday I was ready to give up and almost forgot about it entirely. I was working on a project that was causing me some frustration. Going back and forth with the project and trying to decide whether or not to call it quits, I decided to give it one last shot. Just as I was at my wit’s end, the sign appeared. I remember smiling and laughing and feeling so comforted. That was the exact moment I knew there was more and faith was the key to seeing what else awaited me. 
  • Experiencing synchronicities – These began to pour in immediately after I became open to a Higher Power. I used to think of these as just a coincidence, but now I know them to be exactly what they are, communications from my Spirit Guides on the other side of the veil. There were people I would think of who would show up in my life the same day they came to my mind. I would see patterns of numbers like 111 and 1111. The synchronicities began popping up around me all of the time.
  • Being able to see and feel energy – Everything in our presence is made up of energy. Trees, plants, thoughts, words, objects – energy is all around us. My first deep experience with this came in the form of Deeksha, a blessing and transfer of loving energy from a Higher Power. At the end of a group mediation and as people were laying their hands on me, I could feel immense energy flowing through me. I felt an overwhelming sense of love and peace unlike anything I had ever experienced. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I began to release years of negative emotions. Put simply, it was amazing and beautiful. The more I opened up to a Higher Power, the more I began to see and feel energy. I could see energy around my physical body and I could feel it move in my body throughout the day. These experiences continue to strengthen my belief in God, in a Higher Power.
  • Communicating with loved ones who have transitioned – As all of the things I’ve mentioned continued to snowball, I developed a desire to communicate with my dad who had passed away. Synchronicities played a role in this as well when I connected with someone who could communicate for me. This person knew nothing about me beforehand, only who I wanted to contact. We scheduled a time to talk on the phone and within minutes, my dad came through to her. She was able to describe not only his physical characteristics but also his personality. He would talk to her about various things and she would deliver the messages to me. She could describe, in great detail, the property and area where he had lived with my mom, things he enjoyed doing, details about our conversation while he was in the hospital, what I did for him the night before he passed away, and so much more. After communicating with my dad for a while, my biological father, who had also passed away, began to reach out to her. Because he and I did not have a great relationship, I was hesitant to hear his message, but that feeling was fleeting. I agreed to communicate with him and I’m so thankful that I did. What resulted was forgiveness on both of our parts. We apologized and wished each other love. This was something we weren’t able to do in physical form, but were finally able to do in spiritual form. At this point, I know both my dad and biological father are with me every day. I know they are at peace and in a beautiful, loving place. I have been given a gift of peace and love simply by being open to communicating with them.

When my life was dominated by fear, opinions, judgment, and factual evidence I struggled with so much. I struggled with love, peace, joy, happiness, and purpose. As I live my life now and release the things that once controlled me, my life is filled with  beauty and wonder. I know now that we are all creations of a Higher Power, of God. We all have a piece of Him or It inside of us. We are all connected. We are all love. We are all here to recognize our purpose and to live our truth.

This knowing grows stronger inside of me the more I let go and have faith and focus on love and forgiveness. I do not wish to give my energy to negative thoughts or emotions. Instead, I seek to increase my connection to a Higher Power, to God, to Divine Source, through love. What is on the other side of the veil is an existence full of love and nothing less.

My hope for anyone reading this is that if you are struggling with finding your purpose, with knowing what love and peace are, that just maybe you’ll be open to a new awareness of things and that with this awareness, you’ll begin to experience something that can bring you a profound sense of peace and love. You all have a piece of a Higher Power or God inside of you. You are all worthy of being loved and emanating love. You all have a gift and a purpose. Be kind to yourself, love yourself, and live your purpose.


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